Contact Person

Ing. Philipp Caha
Owner / Technic
+43 680 2080455
Project development
The handling of a complete project should be well planned. Bad planning is the number one cause of failure. Many companies want a first solution quickly and they will continue to work with this first "Ready Lift " version. A few steps later you realize that some considerations have been missing and you are in a dead end.
However, some basic steps should always be taken at the beginning. In doing so, we work out a project specification for you based on your ideas and / or conceptions and then a requirement specification required for funding. Once everything has been laid down in a document, the project planning phase can begin. Depending on whether internal employees are involved in the project, the workflow can be determined using SCRUM.
There is more to a project than just programming the software. Many neglect the expense of electronics until they are in conformity with the European market.

STM32F103 as MCU. IDE from Rowley.
- Get ideas down on paper
- Specify
- Possibly. Duties & specifications
- Project planning
- Schematic design
- Layout
- Production of prototypes with assembly
- Initial start-up
- Firmware development
- Testing
- Layout redesign / final version
- CE tests
- Production transfer to a custom electronics
Technology decisions
Before we start the project for you, we will sit down with you and decide together some important criteria for the project. So you should decide with us which technologies are used for hardware and software.
Planning and documentation
We make the project plan / schedule, write the specifications, draw the circuit diagrams, write documentation for the software, create the coding guidelines and define test cases and the associated documentation.
Circuit design and layout
In a project with a hardware component, we draw the circuit diagrams and create the manufacturing documents. The circuit diagram is then converted into a layout (routes).
Development environment
A good structure of the directories, version management, configuration of the editors / IDE, interfaces for testing, test environment - all of this has to be taken into account in a successful project. We do everything - not only for us, but also for you. If you later expand the project yourself or want to make a new version, this should be possible without problems and time-consuming training.
We develop the associated software. Be it hardware-related software, application software under Windows / Linux or a web client - you get everything from a single source, from us.
Your project is tested with the test documents that were created in the planning and documentation phase. We put special expertise through its paces before you get it. Years of experience in hardware and software make us the ideal tester. With us no BUG survives.
When your product is ready, we can - if necessary - certify it with a partner of a public institute.

Prototyp of an 19" NAS with RPi4, SSD, USB3.0, Display, 3xETH with Firewall, LTE Routing (Backup Line). With Python Software, Linux Security, OpenVPN, Samba - 3 Days Project

Old Hardware, new Chips
You have a product that has been selling well for 20 years. Now ICs are being phased out, are they no longer available?
Embedded Development with a Microcontroller for 1 EURO
Most developments require a microcontroller, which can be expensive.