Contact Person

Ing. Philipp Caha
Owner / Technic
+43 680 2080455
Old Hardware, new Chips

You have a product that has been selling well for 20 years. Now ICs are being phased out, are they no longer available? You really shouldn't wait that long. A migration can usually be carried out without much effort. There is still a layout or circuit diagram, then you can convert it into a new format and make the changes to the new CPU/MCU. The firmware is written in C, so you usually only need to change the register initialization and interrupt routines. If you don't know your way around or need help, no problem. Further information can be found at

Old Hardware, new Chips
You have a product that has been selling well for 20 years. Now ICs are being phased out, are they no longer available?
Embedded Development with a Microcontroller for 1 EURO
Most developments require a microcontroller, which can be expensive.