Contact Person

Ing. Philipp Caha
Owner / Technic
+43 680 2080455
About us
Digital Communication, a company in hardware and software development, has specialized in the communications sector and can look back on over 30 years of experience and success. Great successes have already been achieved in a wide variety of areas.
Our strengths are prototype development. You have an idea, a concept or a concept for a new product, but you lack the necessary technicians and developers? We can support you with:
- Hardware development
- Firmware development
- Layouting
- Application Tools
- CE/UL-Approval
- Component procurement
- Documentation
- Projekt controlling
- Projekt planning
We help you develop prototypes and bring the project to series production. We test your hardware and carry out the EMC tests up to CE approval for you.
If you have a problem with a project, cannot find the fault, the project is about to fail, please contact us. We have already helped many projects off the ground, discovered bugs, got projects back on track and saved companies several million euros. Often it´s just a small thing.
A company in Vienna only had a small problem with interrupt priorities and the project had been in place for three months. A brief introduction to the technology, errors localized and corrected. The deadline (a 2.5 million project in the transportation industry) could still be met. The cost of failure was so low and a good business relationship continues to this day.
You can choose which programs are used to manufacture your hardware / software. We rely on Autodesk Eagle, Altium Designer and PADS for the layout creation. IDE and compiler mostly from the manufacturer itself, i.e. the new STM32CubeIDE for ST, known GNU tools for Linux, CPLDs are designed with Quartus II and FreeRTOS is used as the preferred OS in the embedded area. Tools for configuration are web-based as CGI or PHP or under Windows using MS Visual Studio in C # or C ++. However, there are no limits to this.
Layouting with Altium, Eagle, PADS | 3D Model of the PCB | FPGA / CPLD Design with Quartus II. | EMV Spike at 10MHz | Firmware development STM32
You can decide how the process should be done. If it is important to you to have a prototype in your hand quickly, a prototype can be developed in just a few days / weeks using rapid prototyping, so that investors can get an idea of it.

Do you already have concrete ideas, possibly a requirement specification or specifications of your product? So we can develop a project for your team or we take over the complete project development. Since project business in most cases leads to discrepancies for both sides - what was agreed for what money and were the services planned - it is better for further cooperation to finance the services in smaller sections or to pay for the services on an hourly basis. We can work on-site with you or in our office / laboratory.
In order to give you a better picture, here are some areas in which we have already been active:
- Telecommunications sector (ISDN, VoIP)
- Communication in the railway sector (GSM-R, Linux)
- Automotive sector (engine control electronics)
- Aerospace sector (engine control electronics for drones)
- Maritime sector (AIS transponder development)
- Train radio (GSM-R)
- Payment / Smartcard (development of ACOS for MC / VISA payment processes)
- Robotics (PLC, sensors, Bluetooth, CAN, Modbus, ...)
- Sensor technology (environmental conditions, angle measurements, ...)
- Energy sector (DC / DC converter, solar, chargers, ...)
- Location via GSM / GPS (location technology, IoT, GSM service devices, ...)
- Control panel development (C ++ / Qt)
- Linux server / security programming, GSM, VPN, NAS, ...
- Web interfaces for the central control of processes
These are just a few project areas in which we were active. You can see some developments over the last few years here. Documentation, specification, creation of circuit diagrams, layout and assembly were taken over for these projects. In addition, the firmware and the application software (mostly C ++ / C #) were written, the tests and the associated CE approval were made. A subsequent transition to production including material procurement usually concludes the project.
Quad DC/DC 100W Sepic Converter for Roboter-Cam Flasher. With 100 Base-T and STM32F407

Sensor Electronic with PSoC 5L, DCDC 6-42V, analog Signalgeneration and Impulsgenerator. Component placing manual 02/01. Dimensions 4x1cm

UI for an electronic Load with graphical Display und Keyboard.
We are happy to provide advice, information or assistance. If you need external services on an hourly basis, please also look in the Consulting area.

Old Hardware, new Chips
You have a product that has been selling well for 20 years. Now ICs are being phased out, are they no longer available?
Embedded Development with a Microcontroller for 1 EURO
Most developments require a microcontroller, which can be expensive.